A Birthing

Rhonda Skinner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readDec 28, 2020


A poem

Abstract, Acrylic on Canvas, Painting by Author, Copyright All Rights Reserved

Love abound
Shattered skin
the face in the mirror
through light reflects

Fluid movement
looking back at me
Branches move
dancing with
the night’s tapestry
Positive and negative space
define movement

The path comes into view
unfolding its wings
never to be eclipsed
by the veil
leaving echoes,
in arms reach
beyond our structured beliefs

My heart; rhythm, and pulse
expanding fruition
beyond this bodies form
abundance falls
fruit from the vine
as a wave rushes over me

I wait
Uncomfortable in my skin
I cannot find a space
where I belong

Moving slowly
the canal
birthing a dream
Animus into being



Rhonda Skinner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Poet, artist, peaceful being, shamanic healing practitioner, lover, friend Instagram deersong.medicine, email stargazers.vision@gmail.com, rhondaskinner.com