A Night in Ecstasy

with Benny Benassi

Devon Herrera
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Dillon Kydd on Unsplash

The loud roar of Deadmau5 pumped through my veins as I danced on the black pleather booth with my two girlfriends. It was Saturday night and Old Town Scottsdale was packed with college girls using fake IDs, getting hit on by newly single men in their 40’s while the most attractive bartenders overcharged them for basic-ass lemon drop shots.

“You guys wanna do molly tonight?” my friend asked casually as she refilled our vodka sodas at the table.

I wasn’t drunk enough to agree yet, but I wasn’t bold enough to opt-out if my friends did it, so I leaned over and said, “from who!?” as if I was so eager to get my hands on one of the capsuled pills.

“John! He’s serving at Myst tonight and said he can get us up to VIP to see Benny Benassi…” she offered coolly.

Okay, wait, yes, of course, I wanted to go see Benny fucking Benassi — the guy’s a legend.

“Dude, why didn’t you tell us earlier?!” Jess punched Sasha in the arm playfully. “Hell yeah, we want to roll our faces off to Benny!” I was mildly terrified as the only drug I’d done at that point was weed, but the alcohol in my system convinced me our fate was solidified, and not long after, we were in front of the bar at the massive Myst Nightclub, in our…

