A Philosophy for Playing Returnal on Playstation5

JB Minton
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readMay 6, 2021


Returnal was released in May 2021 as a PS5 Exclusive. It retails at $70.

I play a lot of Destiny and have since 2014. I haven’t skipped a week of playing Destiny in almost seven years, until this week after I started to understand how to play the game Returnal. What follows is a brief exposition on why it’s one of my most favorite video games that I’ve ever played.


You run fast. Jump with X and, while you’re in the air from a jump, you hit the circle button, and you do a wonderful little dash with a light beam behind you. I wish I could do this in real life. It never gets old, just moving around in Returnal.

There is a great portal system in this game that lets you transport between rooms and sometimes around the same room. It’s beautiful and fun to move this way between areas.


The guns are A+ in this game. They each feel powerful and rewarding to use, and they each have different values, requiring a different play style. One of Destiny’s favorite Exotic Power Weapons is the grenade launcher Anarchy, which fires electric bolts into enemies and the environment. The bolts shock the crap out of them until they die, which is usually fast. There is a gun that does that same thing in Returnal, and it’s even more fun than Anarchy in Destiny because it’s your primary weapon. Shoot something, run and hide, then…



JB Minton
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I write about film, fiction, and freedom. 📚 My Books: “Ey Up! An American Engages With This Is England” && “A Skeleton key To Twin Peaks.” 🎙Podcast Creator.