A Short Explanation about Fixed and Growth Mindsets


Image showing letters: Growth Mindset
growth mindset by twenty20photos — image licensed through Envato

When I worked in different talent development departments, managers periodically would request teambuilding solutions. What they really wanted was to unify and engage their teams but didn’t know how to do it.

Statements that reveal mindset influence

In the table below, I’ve listed six paraphrased statements from actual professionals whom I’ve interviewed as part of my consulting practice. As you read each one, decide if you agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or disagree.

  1. When people achieve major accomplishments, it is not a good idea to tell them how smart they are.
  2. Hiring candidates who are fully qualified for jobs makes a company stronger than hiring candidates who are partially qualified.
  3. When I experience a setback, I may feel discouraged or disappointed before I try again.
  4. Some professionals are natural leaders.
  5. The people I work with have a lot of potential at improving their performance.
  6. Although I may not admit it, I sometimes resent a peer’s promotion when I’m more qualified.

Each statement reflects a mindset. The even-numbered statements illustrate a fixed mindset while the odd-numbered ones illustrate a growth…

