Ronnie F
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


A story that starts with the Whistle of a Kettle.

Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

It’s December and you walk to work in the dark mornings. No one is around, you are alone and life seems unreal. Passing some of the houses and you can hear the loud whistle of the kettles. It is so loud that the whole neighbourhood becomes the clatter of the kettles, like a soundtrack to their lives. But why does nobody switch it off? Where is everyone? Am I the only soul awake in the world? It was so noisy and meaningless.

Slowly, the city has been sinking into that noise. You are part of it.

You walk further and the silence of the morning beginnings to take over. You can hear the birds singing, and the leaves rustling in the wind. The sun is starting to rise and you can feel its warmth on your cheeks. You take in a deep breath of the crisp air, and the smell of freshly cut grass fills your nose. The streets are coming alive with people, the sun is chasing away the darkness of the night and the early morning chill. You can see the city’s skyline, light up with the promise of a new day.
You continue to walk, feeling more and more inside you the day that’s full filling with a strange and new sentiment.

You start to feel alive and ready to take on the journey. You have been walking for what seems like an eternity, but you can sense the energy of the morning inside you. You stop for a moment to take it all in and you discover that you are not alone. There are people all around you, sharing this moment in time. You feel a sign of connection, of community and at that point, you realize that life is anything but unreal.

