Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash



Resting laurels find mediocre outcomes

Resilience and persistence must override fear

Anxiety is excitement when framed with thought

Results are immaterial when measurements aren’t material

Yet the material life drives chronic chasing

Of everything resulting in empty bottles and pipes

And shopping carts of credit card receipts

Needing more to fulfill

This chase is as empty as heaven’s nazi population

Glittering prizes leaving the soul diminished and dry

Panting like a desert dweller down to his last

Showering praise on those dear .0001%

Trillions for a hundred and billions for 8 billion

Darwin’s foot found us helpless and distraught

Determined to be more a fool’s errand for many

Praying for outcomes that baffle the sane

Knowing I’m grateful for the lack of the abundance



Shaler Houser
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Founder of NEXT Founder Fund, Deal Strategies, Youturn Health, Green Cloud, UCI Communications, Nuvox Communications, & Seruus Ventures @shalerhouser