Achieving Excellence

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Eric Fermon™
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Artwork Courtesy of Arthur, All Rights Reserved

The ability to deliver a quality product or performance is directly tied to great preparation. There’s no better way to illustrate this point than by using the old adage “Measure Twice, Cut Once.” The meaning behind this phrase is very powerful, part of which can also be attributed to its simplicity. Looking at this phrase conceptually when working out solutions will lead to incorporating it’s meaning into actionable methods that can be reused time and time again.

Sometimes the rush of daily demands push us to moving things along the path to completion as quickly as possible. The speed of product development in and of itself is a goal for producing a final product, but should not be the only driver. There are certain times or situations that need special attention and even reshaping prior to moving onto the next phase. It’s imperative that the important parts of a project or process be identified and evaluated for additional attention.

With most things being made ready for a final release, after completion a final review is accomplished to ensure that what was expected was actually delivered. This is where this adage takes on importance in the effort to increase the quality ratio of released products. The idea of double checking your work should occur prior to delivering even a near final product. As an example…



Eric Fermon™
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

USAF Veteran, AT&T, Author of: How to Get Your Dream Car; Available at Barnes&Nobel, iBookstore,! Know Your Calling & Stay In Motion!