Are You Tempted By Some Magic?

It is the most powerful kind: the magic of the heart!

Myriam Ben Salem🦋
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJul 27, 2019


Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic, and miracles.― Roy T. Bennett

I gathered for you, below, a small collection of unique, simple, and pure magic connections:

The ladybug

Photo by Me
From the author’s personal album

I was reading a book when this small creature showed up and landed on my hand. I welcomed it with a smile before adding, “Wanna play a game sweetie? It’s quite simple: I will allow you to walk on all my body except for my left knee. You win if you succeed to reach it!” Yeah… too silly, I know!😊

So, each time it was approaching my knee, I was gently blocking it. The ladybug tried from above, from below, kept trying for at least seven times. Then, it flew. I thought it finally gave up, and guess what? It landed back on my knee. I could barely believe my eyes!

“Well, guess you win brilliant ladybug!”

The licking cat

Photo by Kabo on Unsplash

I reach my habitual coworking space. I sit and start preparing my desk.
A cat lays on the floor. It turns to look at me as if someone called it. I wave and say “hi” with a smile.

The cat comes in my direction, sits on my thighs. When I pet it, it starts licking my arms and purring. In parallel, it presses a bit with its fingers on my arms.

Since I have an allergy to pressure, it leaves some 3D prints.
Its owner — the coworking space owner and a friend of mine — sees them a while after. “What’s going on with your arms?”. I explain to him. He apologizes and promises he will watch his cat next time.

“Oh no, please don’t! It was one of the sweetest, most pleasant, and fulfilling moments ever!”

The dogs on the beach

Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

I was on the beach, sitting in front of the sea and looking at the waves with wondrous eyes and a heart full of gratitude for the second chance I was granted by the Universe!

Three dogs ran in my direction. In the beginning, it felt overwhelming given that I was daydreaming and they were swimming and still wet!

They were playing in turn on my back and neck, and I was laughing and saying, “I don’t have food for you guys, I swear!”.

Now I know they weren’t looking for being fed; rather for a pure bond and an exchange of energies and genuine love!

Their caregiver, first hastening to my direction, suddenly stopped, was looking at the scene with a “confused” facial expression before adding:

“Guess you can keep them; they seem to truly like you!”

Last thoughts

You might have already experienced some similar magic moments with adorable living creatures while it was the least expected event!

If so, I am very excited and glad for you because it means your energy is welcoming and attracting purity!

It also implies that you can be fully present and permit yourself to create a genuine bond with a stranger, be it a human being or an animal!

It might seem simple and not worth being mentioned. Truth is it is anything but obvious. If it was the case, you would have witnessed such enchanting connections every day in every corner, and we both know it is not the case!

Some of you might have that privilege from time to time after making an effort upstream to let themselves be, in other words, exclusively listen to their heart.

More frequently than you would like to admit it to yourself, you would not bother, given you would be self-absorbed in your anxious mind — aka the invasive subconscious program.

More to the point, those unique moments could become an effortless natural behavior if you pay the price: rewire the program you never wrote in the first place, write your chosen one in alignment with the principles, and take all your limitless power back!

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.― W.B. Yeats



Myriam Ben Salem🦋
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

A fur Momma, animal lover & advocate, lifelong learner, storyteller, edutainer, and published author. I write personal stories and essays.