Are you a Good Friend or a Bad Friend

Anirudh b
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readJan 6, 2021
Omar Lopez from Unsplash

Do you enjoy being a good friend or a bad friend? Are you a friend to get trusted in any crisis? If yes, then you are on the path of being a good friend.

Friendship is something that depends on you and not the other person. When two people become friends, it is because something between them clicked and they liked each other’s interest in a big way.

Everyone usually does have this question as to how to be a good friend?

A good friend makes the friend grow as a person and not a friend who always puts him down.

Many people usually want to make a friendship with someone wealthy and well-to-do in personal life. People don’t like to be friends with people who are not financially strong and do not have a pleasing personality.

Have you ever been tested for your friendship? Has your friend trusted you more than anyone? If yes, in that case, you are fortunate to have a good friend in your life.

It is rare to find a good friend and also someone who you can trust and vice-versa. Some people pretend to be a good friend but are always back-stabbing from behind your back.

It is crucial to know their behavior well in advance to stop yourself from getting hurt. Once you know about the friend from others that he is not trustworthy and playing you, it’s better to move ahead in life and leave that friendship.

There is a thin line between a good friend and a bad friend, anything little above or below can change the friendship level.

Having a good friend does not give a person the right to insult or humiliate that friend in front of others. It only dampens the friendship bond between two people.

There are many factors to consider for a good friend. They are as follows:

The initiator of talk:

Are you the one who initiates talk between friends or the other person? If yes, then you value your friendship more than anyone. Also, you want that person to be a part of your life for lifetimes to come.

Problem solver:

Every friendship has its up & down and have issues among friends. How do you resolve your problems among yourselves makes a big difference to your friendship. Holding to any situation will only build cracks in the relationship among friends. It is advisable to be able to solve your problems amicably and move ahead in life.

Celebrate Friendship:

Do you take an interest in celebrating the birthday or accomplishment of your friends? Are you aware of your friends birthday? If yes, then you are on the right path to developing a strong bond with your friends.

Complementing each other:

Complementing each other is the best way to keep the friendship strong and healthy. It is the most crucial trait a friend needs to have in his life. Small compliments can also go a long way in making the bond healthy.

Share Your Opinion:

Giving your friend an opinion about what is right for him and what is not suitable for him is the best way to make each other grow. People like to know what is right for them and what is bad for them to make the right decision in their life.

Embarrass at times:

It so happens that there are certain things about our friends that we don’t like and get embarrassed in front of people. E.g. Bad smoking habits or Bad drinking habits in front of people. It makes you feel ashamed in front of others and wishes to run away from that place.

Stay in touch:

Your friendship is for yourself and not for others. So it is crucial to be in constant touch with your friends about their doing. To keep a check on how are things at their end and how do they feel about themselves.

Judging your friends:

Others judge everyone in this world with their eyes and mind. It is you as to how you wish to present yourself in their life makes all the difference. Friends judge their friends when they look at other people’s friends as they look for the same qualities the other person possesses.

Hope this adds value to you and take something from this article.

Do comment below as to what kind of friend you are?

