Are You Making These 8 Devastating Digital Marketing Mistakes

These no-brainer mistakes can be easily fixed

Vincent Werner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJan 6, 2021


For 2021, which will be more digital than the last year, I want to make sure you start your digital marketing with a big bang this year. Here are 8 mistakes that concern all the main parts of digital marketing that need to be in place for your year to be the best funnel, best email, and best ad year ever.

For the new year, which will be more digital than the last year, I want to make sure you start your digital marketing with a big bang this year. Here are 8 mistakes that concern all the main parts of digital marketing that need to be in place for your year to

1. You are not aware of who you are writing to

When you create your ad, the layout and the copy of your marketing masterpiece, you will want to know everything there is to know about your audience. Everything.

In fact, you should know them so well, that if you would meet them on the street, you’d be able to make them believe that you can read their minds.

Getting this right will shape every message, email, picture you put out there. So take the time. It’s more than worth it.

I’ve had clients who wanted their website copy done. When I asked who their target audience was, they said something like,” people that want to invest or innovative people.

You might as well sell to a rock then.

When you are starting in business, you might not know everything about your customers. But if you track only 23 website visitors with Google Analytics, you already have an excellent idea of who you are talking to.

Once you know who they are, you can decide what they want. Cut out assumptions. Work with facts.

2. You focus your marketing on 100% of your customers

Let’s say you have 1000 customers, but 80% of your revenue is generated by 20% of your customers. The good old Pareto principle never disappoints.

Instead of targeting your marketing message to all your customers, you target your message to the most valuable 20%, making you money.

You’ll want to find out what the most valuable 20% of your customers have in common and target your marketing towards them.

3. You think there is one funnel design that is superior to all and expect immediate ROI

Whereas funnels work and funnels can indeed generate millions, there is much testing, tweaking, and optimising that has to happen until they do. Just because your funnel doesn’t immediately start pulling in paying customers does not mean you are on the right track.

This might sound painful, but that's how it goes.

Think of your funnel like a guitar that constantly has to be tuned to play good music. Your funnel has to be tuned frequently to generate good customers.

4. You neglect your copy and focus on design

You can have the most engaging design that you spent half your life creating or half your fortune on hiring a designer.

However, if the copy does not engage the reader, you have wasted half your life. Copy drives conversions design is the assistant. When you hire a designer, ask about the copywriter he is collaborating with. If he or she asks what’s a copywriter, RUN!

You can even filter out your customers when creating your copy. Say things that will scare off unworthy customers. You chose who your ideal customer is after doing your research and reading their minds, remember?

5. You don’t promise your prospects anything unique

Yes, there are big promises out there. But most of them sound the same.

Increase your conversion rate by 10%. Wow, what a unique promise. I bet no one has ever said that before.

How about” — Get 11 new customers hooked to your business within 7 days using a simple customer journey starting with Facebook ads. “

Follow up that statement with proof and a free lead magnet explaining the strategy and voila you got a prospect.

There more specific you can make your promise the more believable it becomes.

6. Your funnel has a personality disorder

Most funnels are not built within a day, just like Rome.

So, inconsistency starts to creep in, day after day because you create different parts on different days, in different moods.

Suddenly you are talking in a totally different tone of voice in your welcome email then your Facebook ad.

It must feel like a smooth transition between every step of the funnel. They need to recognise you.

Imagine meeting a person who swears like a sailor one day on the next day they talk more polite than a Cambridge student.

Would you trust them?

7. You are too humble

We live in a world of empty promises. Most of us do not have time to buy another useless product that promises heaven and delivers hell.

Show them case studies, numbers, honest reviews including name, last name and a picture. Ask for permission before, of course.

Leading with proof is very powerful.

8. You sell in your ads

This might be a bit controversial and not always apply. But be honest, when you see a very salesy ad that screams, “Buy now, buy now.” Do you click the ad?

Only if you were really searching for that exact product, unfortunately, the vast majority of people seeing your ad are NOT in “buy now mode”. They don’t know you. They are highly sceptical and definitely do not trust you.

You want to promise them that you solve their problem without selling your service.

You got something to work with now. If you could implement any advice or have other common marketing mistakes that you have done in the past or see people making, leave a comment.



Vincent Werner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Sharing ideas that spark inspiration, reflection and action.