Are you the ruler of your world?

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Elisabetta Brancato
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJun 15, 2022


Tashina Suzuki — Aquarius

During this time of retrogradation we can ask ourselves questions about our inner most sense of Self.

Are the inner foundations of my Being solid? What substance have I poured in?

Do they hold capacity for a strong inner structure?

Am I the ruler of this structure or am I being ruled by external forces?

Saturn, in between many other things, represents our inner structure, the foundations of this structure and its limits/boundaries.

Aquarius is the collective, the collective conscious mind and ideals.

When a planet goes in retrogradation asks us to revisit and review the archetype and paradigm it represents and how it applies in our reality.

Saturn/Kronos was the Titan king, father of gods. It is the archetype of the king or queen intertwined in our cellular fabric, inherited biologically and psychologically. Eventually after we have done the work of integrating all we have inherited, what remains is the most authentic individual form of the archetype.

It is a fashion for the New Age community to use the word king or queen.

How many who call themselves so are really embodying the archetype? in simpler words: how many are walking the talk?

What I mostly see around in these self-called deities is a nice facade that crumbles as soon as the outfit is back in the wardrobe. Most like to dress like a queen or king but are not willing- or ready yet- to do the sacrifices required to BE one.

Becoming a queen or king is a long process of initiation made of many steps and layers, that probably lasts a life time.

There are many types of monarchs:

The Tyrant. We all know who a tyrant is although in Ancient Greek the word had a neutral connotation.

The Socialite, who want to know absolute nothing of ruling and just enjoy aristocratic privileges.

The Warrior, who fights either for a cause or to protect the people.

The Benevolent, a compassionate ruler loyal to their people and role.

I personally aim to become a mix between the last two.

One thing all kings and queens “bad” or “good” must have tho is assertiveness.

Keeping in mind that the concept of good and evil is subjective for there is a Divine Order we cannot grasp, the evil generally asssert through agression: aggressive assertive.

The good through understanding the other’s point of view: compassionate assertive.

People pleasing and ruling (inner or outer kingdom) don’t really go together. Neither does lack of boundaries. A king seeks interdependence over codependence.

Most of those who call themselves gods/goddesses are stuck in people pleasing mode.

I’ve been there too, although never had the audacity to deify myself as it felt unauthentic. I did though, for a short time, fell in the masquerade of the clothing.

When we people-please we are unable to speak our truth for fear of being abandoned or rejected. If we are empath, we fear the reactions of others because we feel their feelings as our own and are incapable to differentiate. Generally when we people-please we unconsciously manipulate by withholding, escaping or suppressing parts of ourselves. All to be socially acceptable and avoid the threat to be left alone, or not having meaning.

But loneliness is one of the sacrifices of the ruler. Together with the courage to find the voice. And a sense of self so strong you do not have any need of being liked apart from your own self.

Until we learn self-possession we preserve inner weakness instead of building up the inner strength necessary to cultivate compassionate assertiveness.

Aggression is weakness projected out in an attempt to express an authority that is not embodied.

And so dear Saturn asks us to revisit certain situations to check if our inner foundations are solid enough to build a strong structure, if the boundaries are in place so that we can protect ourselves, or if they are so much in place that nobody can reach us. He asks us to see how we are ruling our inner and outer world or if we are being ruled by someone else and if are ok with it or we built up anger and resentment for feeling of powerlessness. He asks what kind of ruler we are and how we are contributing to the collective.

Limitations or blockages coming your way are showing you where this inner structure needs review, as for the feelings of frustration and anger or powerlessness.

In your personal chart the house where Saturn retrograde is happening and the aspect it makes to your natal placements show the area of interest how this is all happening.

May we learn as always from this times of reflections and of reassesment and may we become the compassionate rulers this world needs.




Elisabetta Brancato
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I’m a Counseling Astrologer & Tarotist and Emotional & Spiritual Development Coach. I offer readings, coaching, retreats and courses.