Awaken me…

Life Coach Vinayam
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readSep 24, 2020
Awaken me -A girl sitting and doing self assessment to know true-self. She realized awakening, a new dawn she saw in the east

It’s true that we love speed. Life was running at such a high pace, that everything was uncontrollable. Suddenly corona put a strong brake on the high speed of life.

As a young man, I enrolled myself with the local administration to provide my best support to serve society, the only thing which I could do at the crucial pandemic period.

They had assigned my duty in the leading hospital to support administration work and to attend patients when doctors were busy. I think my pharmacy background might make them assign me this duty.

The number of patients was increasing day by day and death tolls were on the peak. News coming from every corner of the world made everyone breathless and panic.

Before coming to the hospital, I never saw a single person die before my eyes.

But since I decided to served people, so I had to complete my duty assigned to me, and now I can’t ask the administration to change my duty. First time I had seen people dying at this rate. I started attending patients. Most of the time I try to pacify them, explaining them to maintain their cool to help cure fast.

I talked to many people who were lying on the death bed.

Many patients told the common words like-if they had the courage to live their genuine life…

I had a long conversation with one person who was the chief of the corporate office. He was crying, again and again, praying to the god, shouting please save me, God, save me once!

I want to live my genuine life, please give me one chance but I realized that sometimes god turned deaf, never hear our prayers.

The next morning when I visited him he narrated his story that how he was so busy that he never enjoyed with his children. He never spent time with his parents.

His wife always waited for him, but he couldn’t spare a beautiful evening with her.

The third day he died before my eyes but his wet eyes, folded hands, and his last word… unfulfilled dreams left a dark scar on my heart.

That dark night kept me awake, though I was in the open air, something was suffocating me. Not a single star was in the sky to guide me/ to show my path.

Silence filled in the night but my racing mind was not silent I was wondering where I am? What I was doing? Am I not following the same path?

I started asking several questions to me think… think… think!

What do I want from my life? What will make my life happy? Am I being able to recognize my true self?

From the last three months, I became a counselor, motivator, so I started playing the same role for myself too. I tried to convince myself.

I came out with amazing results like the Happiest person is one who works the most on himself.

Happy means you have full control of life.

Don’t pledge yourself for others.

Be with you.

Spend time with your loved ones,

Always show gratitude.

That quiet night gave me a good lesson for life. I realized I was following the same path chasing the endless desires… named them my dreams, running and running, with no breaks, have no time for family, never sit calmly to understand what I want…never understand the true-self.

But now suddenly I found something new that emerged in me, awaken me

I saw a new dawn in the east...

Written By — Life Coach Vinayam
MBA, Ph.D. Holder, A strong writer has extensive experience in writing, with a passion for poetry, storytelling, writing articles, Content curator, Mentor, life coach.

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Life Coach Vinayam
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Ph.D. Holder — A strong writer having extensive experience in writing, with a passion for poetry, storytelling, content curation, mentorship & life coaching