Basics of Logistics App Development: Types, Cost, Features, and More

Milan Panchasara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readSep 28, 2022
Photo by: Milan Source: Self Design

Logistics management software is a powerful computer application utilized by public and private enterprises for inventory control and supply chain management. A logistics management app is often used in the business of transportation and distribution of goods.

The software program offers a variety of tools that allow users to monitor and control costs, as well as to manage and maintain a database of clients and inventory. The system is designed to document the location and status of products at each stage of the manufacturing process, from raw materials to order fulfillment.

Among many uses of Logistics Management development, its primary purpose is to keep track of your stock and help you manage it efficiently. This software can help you to:

  • Track your inventory and see where it’s at
  • keep track of labor hours and effort
  • get a better idea of when you will run out of stock and what customer orders you need to fulfill
  • find out how much money you are spending on stock and how much money you’re spending on each customer
  • help you get more profits from customer orders
  • allow you to estimate your cash flow problems and prevent them

But what type of Logistics management app and features do you need, and how much will it cost? Let’s find out.

Types of Logistics management software

  • Supply Chain Management and Logistics

A Supply Chain Management System streamlines the planning and coordinating resources needed at a particular time and place to support the activities or production of a receiving company.

  • Distribution and Material Management

A distribution management system is paramount to simplify the flow of how the material is being stored and supplied to particular recipients. The system facilitates efficient recording of loading, unloading, and transportation of the goods.

  • Production Management

The production management system helps in planning, managing, and directing operations to transform raw materials into finished goods. It enables you to control the production process in a coordinated environment.

  • Reverse logistics and product return

Reverse logistics deals with returning materials and supplies from production processes. It involves removing excess materials and reabsorbing them into stock supplies efficiently.

What are the common features of the Logistics management app?

  • GPS for tracking
  • Route optimization
  • Vehicle management
  • Order & inventory management
  • Invoice and Payment
  • Consignment details
  • Shipping details
  • Historical reports

Technology stack for Logistics app development

Frontend and backend technologies depend on your requirements and whether you build a mobile app or web app. Giving the name of technologies will only increase confusion here. Hence, it is better for you should consult with your logistics app developers. However, other than that, you can use the below technology solutions to make your system more efficient.

Push notifications- Twilio or

Credentials authentication login- Nexmo or Twilio

Payment gateways- PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, or other Ewallets

Cloud platform solution- Google, Azure, or AWS

Database requirements- MongoDB, Cassandra, Postgress, Hbase

Real-time analytics- BigData, Apache, Flink, IBM, Cisco, Loggly, Spark

How much does Logistics app development cost?

Logistics app development can easily cost you about $30000 to $100000 with all the must-have functionality. But as you integrate advanced features like IoT-enabled tracking, the cost of development increases. At least 10% of the cost is spent on business analysis, while software design makes up 10–15% of the total cost.

Furthermore, the cost also hinges on the below factors:

Mobile OS versions and device models to support

Offline mode architecture

The complexity of UI/UX

Localization and Multi-language support

Analytics tools and other integrations

Logistics management software is used for tracking information about the movement of goods. It deals with the different stages of goods flow. It also deals with managing the money flow during the goods transportation time. Overall, it is a worthy investment to smooth sail your business logistics operations.



Milan Panchasara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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