Bee Network Is Worth How Much?

The potential value of this phone tapping cryptocurrency

Denzel Beauchamp
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


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Does Bee Network Cryptocurrcy Have Value?

That is one of the most asked questions surrounding Bee Network and this question will finally have an answer if you continue to read this article.

Firstly if you don’t know what Bee Network is then I'll give you a quick rundown of what this is.

Bee Network

Bee Network is a new form of Cryptocurrency that can be mined by ordinary people by using their phones. This is a project which provides gamified experience for users to earn Bee. The way users earn Bee is by clicking a button once every 24 hours which will reward users in this new form of cryptocurrency called Bee. Mining Bee ensures trust in the project and also reminds the Network that you’re a real human being who is mining this new cryptocurrency. Every user of Bee Network has specific roles in this as the network grows.

Bee Network Roles

1. Visioner

Every player will get the base rate at 1.6 bee/hour by logging in to the app every 24 hours and clicking the bee button. You do not need to keep the app open after clicking the bee button and you will automatically get an hourly rate. You will stop…



Denzel Beauchamp
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

💻 Multi ECOM Entrepreneur 👨🏽‍💻 Marketer 📈 Investor 💎 Crypto Influencer. Sharing My knowledge through stories that could provide you with tons of value.