Brain Fog, Short Temperament Getting You Down

Entrepreneurs are the last people to acknowledge they need a day off.

Woman laying on rocks working at relaxing
Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

When I mentally and physically shut down, there isn’t any way that I can be productive. I am a one-person small business, and I pride myself on doing quality work, working through client issues, & being accessible.

This energizer bunny completely loses her energy. I can’t think straight, can’t remember phone numbers, and literally cringe when that cell phone rings. I hit a wall. I am a multi-tasker and think on my feet. What I didn’t realize I was doing, listening to my own warning signals. For me, when I get up in the morning and feel just as tired as I did the night before ~ that is my body telling me “I need a break!”

I had to sit back and ask myself why do I feel guilty for taking a day off? If I worked for someone else, I would have set hours and set days. Working for myself, my set hours are 12 hours daily and working weekends.

This hit home! I put myself in this situation. I knew I needed to change my accessibility; so after much thought, I decided I would instill work parameters and I would not be available (for business issues) on the weekends.

This wasn’t the game-changer, though. Not only did I have to educate my clients, but I had to follow through with the new working hours and days…



Judy Musgrove ~ Blogger, Entrepreneur, Writer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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