Can a Freelancer Work In an Agency?

Definitely, but it will not be easy

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJul 9, 2021


agency meeting
Photo by Leon on Unsplash

When you decide to be a freelancer, you usually do it because you want to have more free time, to be able to work whenever you want and wherever you want. It means having more freedom, which at this point, it is more important than having maximum productivity. This is where it becomes tricky and I will explain the reasons.

A Couple of Years Being a Freelancer

I decided to be a freelancer after struggling with various workplaces that I didn’t like. I noticed that I am good at writing, not only in my native language Romanian but also in English.

I applied to different content mills that were available at the time (this happened like 10 years ago). I was approved and I started writing for them, in English. The pay was not very good and I had to work a lot to make a decent income. I kept working and hoping that one day a better company will accept my work and I will make more. I was also having my own blog, but the income generated by the site was poor.

A couple of years passed and things didn’t advance much and fishing for projects was hard enough to make me want something else. Maybe I just didn't get that super project that would bring me enough money.

Applying to an Agency

I said to myself that I just want a regular job in IT that will give me the same amount of money I was making, with a fixed schedule. I wanted to try this because freelancing had its advantages, but it also fueled some of my fears, such as having many days without a project, not having enough money exactly when I needed them, having to figure out my taxes, always having issues with my family because they didn’t understand that I have to work instead of spending time with them, etc.

At that time, working remotely or simply the concept of working at home wasn’t seen as today. It was not known by many people. For some of them, it seemed quite odd and they didn't take it seriously.

I made the perfect resume and deployed it to a reputable advertising agency in my city. After they tested my writing, they hired me. I was so happy. For another couple of years, I managed to resist the 9 to 5 struggle, but for a former freelancer, it was not easy.

I like the way things were planned, the meetings, the workmates, but it was hard to maintain consistency working those 8 hours a day, from Monday to Friday, because it was a lot of work. As a copywriter, I had to write 5 articles a day, and also send a couple of newsletters that I had to create every day, plus the exchange of emails with the clients and respecting the deadlines.

It was a fun job, but it became such a routine after a while. Some people are not bothered by it, but some of us are simply meant to be freelancers, to make our own schedules. In order to be sustainable, the 9 to 5 type of work in an agency should also be based on a very good salary, so you don’t have to look for side hustles. I was making a lot, but still not enough to make my dreams come true.

A Regular Job and a Side Hustle

Right now I am in a different agency, a gaming company, where I work as a PR, while I also manage social media and customer support. It is a very pleasant job, but again, I am not making enough money for my needs and I decided to join Medium. I am already starting to have success on this platform, as a side hustle. This means ai am doing both a 9 to 5 office job and I am also freelancing as a side hustle. I am making more money than ever, so I am on the right track.


The conclusion is that, if you are used to being a freelancer, you can work for an agency, but it may not last too much. The reason is that it could be harder for you to be constant if you are that type of individual who loves to set your work hours. It could be a real struggle and in time the routine can make it worst.

It depends on each individual. If you are meant to be a freelancer, that is the most suitable work type for you. You could also try to do both, just as I do. Each person has a certain capacity to adapt. It is up to you!

