Celebrating My 1st Year on Medium

A novel “curation” approach

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


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I’m celebrating my first anniversary on Medium. August was my 12th month on the platform and it was the first month I ever made more than $3.00 in a month. Because of an article that did very well, I earned over $20.

As a way of celebrating, I’m going to feature 12 writers who followed me in August. I was inspired by an author complaining about Medium’s curation (or lack of it) and thought: what’s stopping any writer from “curating” by featuring other writers? I wrote about this here: Let’s “Curate” One Another

12 Featured Followers

Joined Medium in 2021

Kiran Bala from 🇮🇳 who joined in August 2021 and has 130 followers

Workouts are good for our health, to keep us fit and fine. But exercising too much or running too fast can have serious consequences for our body and brain. — Workouts can be so very dangerous

Susan Bostian who joined in July 2021 has 690 followers

No one gets out of this life alive. I remind myself of this fact everyday. Life is a temporary gig. We all know this on a certain level. But when we hear that someone has died, our reaction is almost always surprise! We ask the questions about how, when, where, and whether…



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Married 25 years. Retired SAS programmer from Statistics Canada. Member of Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites since 2008. Love chess..