Lifes Education

Choreography in a Crisis

How I turned despair into creativity

Drama Llama
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I suppose I’m actually sorry for once…

But you see…

Creativity tired of me long ago as did

That highly sought after flair… – Owari

Life throws us challenges, it is how you approach them and what you learn that is important.

I was studying for my degree at university, a creative course in drama, theatre, performance, and dance studies.

Life at the time was hard. Really hard. Being a mature student and surrounded by youngsters who were blissfully unaware of the challenges life can throw at you, I was faced with the task of devising and performing a solo choreography.

Feeling like I had about as much creativity as a stone, and at first, sinking into my own negativity and downward spiral, the idea came to me, that this could be put to use and perhaps instead bring about a positive outcome.

The initial idea came from my own negative spiral and turned to the study of spirals in nature, I was particularly interested in the spiral of a tornado, the path it takes, and how it gathers everything in that path, a good metaphor for my own…



Drama Llama
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Theatre, performing & literature, sharing stories through the art of expression. U.K. BA (Hons) 1st Class Drama, Theatre, Performance & Dance Studies.