Clean & Sanitary

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
Sep 23, 2020

the folks who roam these halls
kempt and well groomed
light streaks of comb lines
laced with hair spray
fresh pressed suit
with complementary tie
or a pant suit
with expensive shoes
clickity clack down the corridor
noisy reminders of self-importance
echoing along the veneer plastered
walls and picture frames
of ever-more self importance
their names extending
by forever increasing job titles
a Viagra to promote one’s career
the cherry to be deliciously popped
splintered into oblivion
like this so-called life they have made
it shall disintegrate into the wind
only to be dusted away by
the pass of a floor sweeper




An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Trying to make sense of the insanity that is modern society through musings and poetry.