color- the poetry version

Maruti Naik
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readMar 10, 2023
self clicked — Chembur — Mumbai

the day ended
senses regained
the silent DJ
gathered his quiet speakers
tent & water sprinklers
lie forlorn
on the ground

cleaning army moves in
washing off colors
stubbornly clinging
to the paver blocks
it’s a lost battle
the pressure from water jets
is too much

down the drain they go
meeting colors
scrubbed off bodies
as revellers reach home
shedding colour & dirt
that the “rain” missed
the drains swirl
carrying everything
from colony to colony
united in filth
from every direction
to the west
emptying it all into
a tired ocean

back then
all it took
was a few sweets
some Limca and Thums up
even samosas
if the collection was generous
a few whistles
from the compound below
crowned by gulmohars
our playground
would come to life
aunts and uncles
left formality at home
the sternest would
jive the most

inhibitions gave way
to good natured ribbing
misunderstandings, small disputes
accumulated over the year
the colors would erase
newer ones would start immediately after;
in the cricket match that followed
the song, dance and food

like the tab at your tapri
an eternal cycle

all said and done
it was a time gentler
the colors brighter
the songs in tune
the words heartfelt
the music unplugged
the hands conscious
the vibe never straying
from fun

the only thing shady
were the gulmohars at Juhu
as they came out of winter

the sky and the sea
were always blue
companions both
new colors emerge
a season change

these days
the sky is bathed
a sullen grey
as for the sea
I don’t really know
been a while
since I said hello



Maruti Naik
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I write to remember. I write to remain honest. I write to leave a bread crumb trail for my daughter. I write to relax. Trying to impress my better half, I write