A Content Management Solution in Few Steps

You will own a complete solution in minutes. Take control of how you work with documents and manage content. We will look into limiting repetitive and reactive behaviour, streamlining the overall process making it efficient for your needs.

Mathias Pihl
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Digital Content

We are producing far too often digital content reactively and repetitively triggered by an event that occurred. The programs used are often specifically selected by the method of distribution or type of media. Due to the volume and frequency, this is most evident in our professional life.

The following every-day activities illustrate this perfectly; writing the minutes in an email directly after a conference call (reactive and often repetitive), writing a functional design document in a specific word processor program intended for the development team (frequently updated and distributed). The same behaviour is valid for content such as Powerpoint slides and Web content (wiki pages and blog posts etc). Obviously, we still need to do these tasks, the issue is just how it’s done. The key is shifting from the reactive creation of content to maintaining content as much as possible.

