Copy and Paste your Surroundings using AR

The quickest way to capture, extract and transfer anything around you.

Ravi | Python ✍️
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readAug 23, 2020


Photo by UNIBOA on Unsplash

The AR Copy Paste app lets you to digitalize the real world objects around us. It is created by Paris-based designer and artist Cyril Diagne. This app does not use the traditional method of copy-paste method through a image. It uses a single app, which uses Augmented Reality and Machine Learning to find distinct objects in the surroundings and pasting them in an image editing software in the computer directly.. The app then removes the background keeping only the object itself. The whole process takes about six seconds, according to Diagne.

“This tool will make the job of designers much easier, as they will be able to point their phone cameras at an object and copy-paste it on their PCs, instead of taking a photo, editing it and then inserting the cut-out into the document.” according to IndianExpress.



Ravi | Python ✍️
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

💻 Software Engineer | Tech Explorer | Tech Storyteller | Astronomy Enthusiast | Writing About the Art of Coding (Python) | Books | #Programming #Python