Course Correction — How to Change Direction Without Losing Enthusiasm

Jeff Heggie
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
7 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

Every Monday on my podcast, Daily Success Strategies, I tell my listeners that they need to set their week up for success. They have to determine what they need to accomplish throughout the week so that on Friday, once they’ve achieved everything they set out to do, they can look back and know that they had a successful week. I also encourage them to make sure that what it is they are working on will help get them closer to their bigger goals.

Once they have their plans figured out and they know what they need to accomplish to make it a successful week, the next step is to plan it out. Once the goal is set, a plan of action needs to be put into place. This will include scheduling everything from their block time, to their important meetings and events, coaching, or anything else they will need to do to have a successful and productive week.

I love to hear from my listeners as they set themselves accountable and share their plans with me. I also love to hear back from them at the end of the week when they let me know if they had a successful week and achieved everything they set out to do.

This past week someone shared with me a problem that they encountered. It was actually a challenge that happens often. Being prepared for an obstacle before it happens is important because it…



Jeff Heggie
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Father, Husband, Entrepreneur, Success Coach, Marketing Strategist, Mastermind Facilitator, Knowledge Broker