Covid-19: Start of a Genetic Revolution

Antonia Rovayo
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readNov 10, 2020
Covid-19 (

Humans have a particular DNA strand. The ARN is responsible for transmitting this information. Thus we obtain somatic characteristics and ways of thinking.
Medically, cases have been seen in which a mother carrying a child of another race in the womb, generated a kind of corpuscles or knots in her veins as if the blood coagulated irregularly.
No one has explained until now, the true cause of this phenomenon. I really loved what I explain.
I have been investigating the possible causes of the occurrence of this special event. On earth we are all a mixture of ancestral species that visited us from other stars, that is why in the process of adaptation they suffered from allergies to certain foods, that is, they had antibodies that defended the body from an attack. Some foods were enemies of their physical integrity.
They were not adapted to live in the earth’s crust. Its origin is extraterrestrial but at the same time, these aliens lived on their planets or stars of which they were residents internally. Almost all stars have an inner life and not on the outer surface or crust-like here on earth. This is due to the frequent impact of meteorites.
Upon reaching the earth, they began to adapt to the intraterrestrial environment of the same and not to the outside. The earth was covered with water by the universal flood. Only a few were kept in floating boats.
We are experiencing a major genetic change in 2020. Covid-19 alters our genetic code. When the virus enters our body, we develop new antibodies of indescribable strength. Hence the post-Covid-19 symptoms.
The vaccine or vaccines from Western countries only interfere in the development of this human genetic evolution.
What is the true origin of the virus? There is only speculation about it. It is said that it comes from a laboratory near the market where they sell meats in Wuhan (China). Others say it was created to reduce the volume of world population. Others who marked the beginning of the end of our era prophesied in sacred texts.
Another point of view maintains that the 5G communications network is linked to the vaccines of all producing countries and that it will be a chip for genetic control and the activities carried out by humans.
No matter what the origin is, the important thing is to change our way of thinking and our model of world life.
During the pandemic we have had time to reflect, quarantine and isolation are capable of producing deep thoughts. Many of us want to change. I invite you to know what the TAP (Towards Alternative Possibility) project proposes. The thinking of the beings that live under the earth’s crust is more evolved than ours. They are similar in the body but very different in mind.
I know one of them, I have called him “The Alien”. He taught me a new model that can improve our world and make us happier.
TAP also makes possible a new “good governance” solution that vastly improves the solution that is understood as democracy. Democracy, like everything else in our world today, was created and maintained by a few: the rich and powerful. Above all, deceive people by telling them that they are the ones who have the power in the field of self-government. TAP includes solutions that truly create great equality within social governance and at all levels of social governance, from the family unit to the company to global governance.
TAP changes the way the world treats important information that is critical for individual and group decision-making, both in the generation of information and in its communication. The key solution to prioritize all possibilities. It also helps speed up the process of identifying the best possible decisions and solutions. The solution clearly identifies three zones of the realm of agreement and disagreement: 1) positive possibility agreement, possibility disagreement, and negative possibility agreement.
TAP does NOT establish the truth: it ONLY prioritizes the possibility of the best options given the limited knowledge at the present time. TAP assumes that almost everything in the world is dynamic and constantly changing, especially understanding and possibility.
TAP establishes a much better context and provides a new solution to address the difference in preferences in the field of information and communications. An innovation called morph addresses the difference in language preference, generational communication difference, image versus text, thus minimizing misinterpretations and misunderstandings.
TAP also addresses engagement and participation in group information and communications. With TAP AI, each member will provide personalized information on every important piece of information and communication. Most of the time through their personal avatar, but they are always encouraged to participate directly to provide more thoughtful information on specific topics.
I invite you to get closer to the truth, to a better possibility for your life and that of all. Observe your surroundings and draw conclusions.
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Antonia Rovayo
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection