
We stood, watched and did nothing.

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readDec 10, 2020


Photo by Chris Henry on Unsplash

We stood silently watching when they kicked the boy to the ground, put handcuffs on, and pushed him in the back of a military van.

We stood, watched, and said nothing. We were too embarrassed to acknowledge that we are cowards.

We experienced the brutality every day, on the streets, on TV screens, at work, and in our homes. We stood, watched, and did nothing.

We were told that it is for our own good, we were told that we are too stupid to sort things ourselves. We were told that only hash treatment can protect us.

We believed.

We were told the danger was too great to ignore and we are not capable to sort it ourselves.

We were given two options, do what they tell you to do or be taken away.

We stood, watched, and did nothing, we were too embarrassed to acknowledge that we are cowards.

We pretended that it is a temporary measure. We stopped trusting each other, instead, we trusted those who were beating us, putting handcuffs on our wrists, and taking us away.

We stopped asking questions, we stopped talking to each other. We were scared of our own shadows.

We were given orders to follow. It was forbidden to meet the people you cared about.

We stood, watched, and did nothing, we were too embarrassed to acknowledge that we are cowards.

We watched our reality burning in flames, they built a new reality for us.

No one asked our permission to take our lives from us, they said that we are too stupid to know how to live and they must take care of our lives.

We stood, watched and did nothing, we were too embarrassed to acknowledge that we are cowards.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.
George Orwell,


