Does he pass the ‘Love Test’?

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readOct 4, 2020

If there’s another word for love, it is sacrifice!

I was recently at a wedding of my close friends. The groom was beaming in his black tuxedo. The bride never looked so glorious in her red saree decked with beautiful diamonds. The atmosphere was filled with love and joy as guests walked in arrayed in colorful outfits.

It was a sunny saturday afternoon, right beside the sea — an outdoor beach wedding!

After the hymns were sung, it was time to say their vows.

They recited they vows impeccably — until suddenly, the bride — her voice became a little shaky and then she just couldn’t control her tears. They passed her the tissue box.

The few minutes of interruption felt like hours..
The atmosphere shifted and the guests were squirming…There was not a dry eye in the room and we wished she would regain her composure …and fast!

Well, she did shortly after…and the ceremony ended with smiles!

She was a very stable person, not the emotional type…she had known him for a couple of years before deciding to make the relationship official. In fact, she had been looking forward to the wedding day!

I was sort of curious as to why she cried — not just silent tears…. She started crying when she said, ‘I really appreciate all that you did for me’…

And this is why…

Ever since they knew each other, her boyfriend used to pick her up from work and drop her home.
And they didn’t know each other for a week, they knew each other for over 2 years…
So over two years, every working day, whether she finished work at 7PM, 10 PM or 2 AM, her boyfriend was there!

And whether he had to fly off to work the next day,
Or had to work late…
or had a conference call he had to attend as he drove…

Her boyfriend was there!

So, she knew she loved her, because he was there!

Can someone prove they love you?

Well, apparently they can! L-o-v-e is spelt s-a-c-r-i-f-i-c-e!



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Life is a character-perfecting experience. Take time to smell the flowers cos the journey is equally important as the destination.