Engaging Elementary Aged Kids in Understanding Climate Change

4 Ways to Support The Natural Curiosity of Seven to Twelve-Year-Olds to Learn about Their Environment

Krista Kurth Ph.D.
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Image by Tim Mossholder, Unsplash

Chances are your elementary school-aged children have already heard something about Climate Change. Whether it was from the news, at school, or by listening to you, their natural curiosity has probably been piqued and they are ready to learn more. Kids this age love to learn.

Kids this age love to learn.

Because kids age seven to twelve are more aware of the world around them and are able to draw connections, now is a great time to help them understand that we humans have a huge impact on the planet. Because they are now able developmentally to think in simple logic you can begin to teach them about the cause and effect of the climate crisis.

However, since children in this age group are concrete thinkers and have shorter attention spans, it’s important to engage them by focusing on local environmental issues they can connect to their daily lives. And keeping the lessons hands-on and fun will keep them interested and coming back for more.

The tips below will help you engage your elementary-aged children in understanding the challenges of a changing climate, and also feel…

