Melody Meyer
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readMay 6, 2024


MY Cybernetically Induced Humanity

My life has been dominated by the devices I own

And the identities I’ve taken

Or to say more succinctly,

They are the one who own me

As a species we are so disconnected from each other that

the device is our mouth and vocal chords

Our eardrums connected to our heart

Our eyes and synapsis form this one organ.

That connects us cybernetically to each other thru slavery and hyper-fealty to the device

We read what they feed

We speak and love through the code

The routers and dishes are served with relish

Our words become filtered

Through technology

Our animal senses are muted

Sub-dude by the instantaneous gratification

Of a brief communique

I can see and speak to you

Without travelling to your village

We speak in the tongue of texts and tints

Shadows of what we might say

Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

If we saw each others eyes and smelt

The raw beauty of Ishtar sweating

It would be a different moment

I would know more about you

And less about the tragedies

I may come to know myself better

Instead of my device

Captain ?

