Evil Bird

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readJan 3, 2021

*This poem was written by a friend of mine in high school. She was 15 when she wrote it. Her dream was to be an artist, writer and to change the world.
Unfortunately she didn’t live to see that dream come to fruition.**

Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

Blood all in the street
Running like a flood.

There's nowhere to hide
Nowhere that I can go.

Fire from the sky burning down my life
On a holy day in Sarajevo.
But when I close my eyes, I dream of peace.

I dream of flowers on a hill.
I dream I see my mother smiling when I close my eyes,
I dream of peace.

Once I had a home.
Once my life was good.
Once my mother sang to me and held me.

Then the fire came
There is no one left who can protect me.

War's an evil bird
That never comes to rest
Feeding on the dreams of all the children

War's an evil bird
Every holy promise broken

But when I close my eyes
I dream of peace
I dream of flowers on a hill
I dream I see my mother smiling
When I close my eyes I dream of peace

Can't you stop the war?
Bring it to a close?
You are tall and strong and
I am just a child.
Can't we live in peace?

Stop the flowing blood
Make a blessed place
where I can be a child

When you close your eyes do you dream of peace?
Do you dream of flowers on a hill?
Do you see your mother smiling?

Felicia Periguni 2005



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I write little observations about everyday happenings that offer a unique perspective