Reading Tarot: for skeptics

Revealing Tarot technology without woo.

Alexandre Porto
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Tarot is a very interesting thing because it occupies this unique space between spiritualism and the occult, on one hand; but also between science and spirituality, on the other. It’s almost as if tarot - how do I put this? — represents a bridge or nexus point between science and religion.

There is something so compelling about tarot that makes me think that it is almost impossible to find a person who does not have some sort of opinion on the subject, even if they are completely uneducated in the field.

This is extremely interesting because it means that tarot has become one of those things which people inherently know about and understand without necessarily knowing where this understanding comes from or how they acquired such knowledge.

Of course, this is not surprising because there are many instances of a similar phenomenon.

For example,

Politics and social issues in general fall into this category as well. In the same way that people can discuss or debate something like tarot without really knowing its history or origin, they also have strong opinions about political affairs.

One could argue that this phenomenon is a result of globalization and the fact that people…



Alexandre Porto
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Pieces of the integral man. Specialist in the responsible use of psychedelics.