9 Super Short, Cozy Stories to Read on Your Coffee Break

Rachel Shubert
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
39 min readOct 9, 2020


Cute woodland critters with addiction, anxiety, and plenty of angst. Are you Squirrel, Pigeon, or Rabbit?

Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

1. Hedgehog

Hedgehog dreamed of climbing The Mountain.

She grew up hearing about the summit and the heroic beasts that had conquered it. Her life shuffling around on the ground seemed ordinary compared to these tales. “How the view must be from up there!” she often thought.

So, little by little, the mission seized her until there was no other choice but to make the journey.

She set out one morning with a knapsack full of provisions — for there is a certain way to do things — and a heart full of determination. I’d like to say she set out one fine morning, but it was too ordinary a morning to praise it as such. At least in Hedgehog’s opinion.

The climb was slow; the first few days unremarkable. But then again, she was still closer to the ground than the grand peak, so what do you expect?

Hedgehog was bored and starting to get tired, too.

And then something happened.

Hedgehog met Goat, and Goat told her about magic rocks.

Now, goats know quite a bit about rocks and mountains and all that, so let’s not judge…



Rachel Shubert
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writing about the personal and the political. Therapist and meditation teacher with a poli sci background. Single parent in the rural Midwest.