Five Reasons You Need To Make Writing A Hobby

Your soul longs to release its creative energy.

Azim Rushdi
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Min An from Pexels

Have you ever wondered what does it feel like to be passionate about writing? Writing one essay in high school was hard enough, let alone doing that every day for a living. Myself, I have a love and hate relationship with writing.

Back in the day, I used to write short stories that would crack my classmates up. I enjoyed making people laugh. Many writers do. You may think that writing is the last thing you would consider as a leisure time activity.

But before you dismiss, I want to quickly present to you five reasons why you should consider writing as a hobby. I’m giving you a warning though. Reading this might change the course of your life. Good Luck!

Writing Provides Path for Your Soul to Release Its Creative Energy.

Back in the day, we were all little artists. We project our identities inside our artworks. We allow creativity to inspire, not overwhelm us. Creativity takes courage.

You lose the touch of creativity when you allow society to carve a path for your career. When you stop allowing yourself to be creative, you become resentful.



Azim Rushdi
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Ironic, but iconic. Stories connect people, but authenticity makes them fall in love.