Focus On One Thing

Aditya Dave
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readAug 11, 2021
Photo by Clement Souchet on Unsplash

Focus on one thing at a time.

I had this very idea. I was listening to a podcast and in two minutes, I had forgotten it.

It took me another five minutes to remember it again.

I’ve been having these moments a lot lately. It’s weird. I realized that the problem is to not have too much on your plate but more importantly; to know that you should eat one thing at a time.

Learn to portion control

Having too much on your plate is exactly that; too much to handle. Especially when we think we can multitask to the point of being called a ‘Jedi’.

You’re not a Jedi. At least you’re not one yet.

Take one thing at a time. Food for thought is good until it starts mounting one after the other.

When you learn to show the unneeded thoughts of the exit door, you learn to focus on what matters at the moment.

Do only one thing at a time. It gives your mind the space to be free and solve the problem quicker.

Know What Info You’re Eating

So much of the work is done outside of the workplace. One of the most important parts of a game is the time you put in the pre-game.

Doing focus-oriented work right after you check your Instagram feed is like trying to fight a heavyweight with no technique.

Your thoughts are neverending. It's a loop of little ideas that keep on building on and spin. An hour of political news can very rarely be followed with focused work on a research paper.

Know what you are feeding your brain. It will want what feels the easiest to get.

Eat One Thing at a Time

Remember when we could chug an entire plate of garlic bread with the green beans and some dry broccoli down our throat in an instance?

Yeah, me neither.

There is a time and place for everything. And that includes the work that you are trying to do as well.

Find the time when you are at most ease mentally. Do your important tasks then.

Focus on one thing. Stop overwhelming your brain with all the multi-tasking.

One by one, you will start to do more work in less time.

