Beau MacMillan (left) is a well-known chef and television presence. (Image via Beau MacMIllan’s Twitter account)

Food Network’s Chef Beau MacMillan on Food, Family and His Extraordinary Career

The chef has built a stellar reputation through his work in the kitchen and on television

Andrew Martin
6 min readOct 10, 2020


While it’s debatable if perfection can ever be achieved in any medium, to even get close requires passion and a dedication to tireless work. This is especially true in the world of food and restaurants. Nobody exemplifies this better than chef and Food Network star Beau MacMillan, who is still honing his craft and chasing perfection after decades of success in the kitchen.

Born in Maine and raised in Massachusetts, MacMillan’s New England background is readily apparent as soon as he speaks. Despite living on the other side of the country for much of his adult life, his warm and jovial accent is a constant reminder of his heritage.

He attributes his grandmother, who was the voracious cook in the family, for fueling his interest in the food world. Growing up watching cooking shows like Jacque Pepin, he dreamt of following in similar footsteps. The early interest he displayed in food became so full-blown that he was working in kitchens by the time he was 15 with sights set on a culinary career once he finished school.



Andrew Martin
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Dabbler in history, investing & writing. Master’s degree in baseball history. Passionate about history, diversity, culture, sports, film and investing .