Forever Hopeful

Finding Utopia

Sharon's Random Ramblings
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readMay 28, 2022


Without prejudice. Trigger Warning: Femicide

Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash

I had a dream last night.

It was truly wonderful.

I could walk down the street at night,

Or go for a jog in daylight.

Just me.

By myself.


With no fear.

Can you imagine?

I dreamt I was able to think for myself,

Not be told what to do,

Or when to do it.

To actually have a choice.

And freely express it.

Without fear or condemnation.

Fucking amazing!

Can you imagine?

The possibilities…

Visions of equality appeared.

I held my head high and was fearless

As I put myself out there

With no judgement

Or prejudice.

Not as a trophy to be groped at will.

The best person

For being the best.

Not for who I know,

Or whom I love,

Or what I look like,

Or what shade my skin is,

Or what lies beneath my underwear

Or my hair.

Should we care?

Can you imagine…?

Do you dare?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I dreamt I was a princess.

Not in a pink, flowery tutu-type dress

With a sparkly crown

And token prince,

But a real princess,

Minus the bullshit fairytale images

Surrounding me.

Ruling with guidance,

With compassion

And kindness

And empathy.

Putting the people first,

Rather than myself.

Really listening to them.

Making a real difference.

Can you imagine?

An equal interaction! There’s a thought…

Hearing and actually understanding? Feeling heard and understood?

Having an impact,

Making changes for the better?

Being part of that change?

Seeing the people as “people”

Without the un-necessary adjectives

That set people apart.

No narcissistic edge to devour those who try

To unite for their basic rights.

No-one above

Or beneath.

Money and power irrelevant.

Mind-blowing stuff right there!

I wished the dream would never end…

But dreams are just dreams, aren’t they?

And eventually we wake up.



Sharon's Random Ramblings
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Muddling my way through life. Optimist. Peace & justice seeker. "Freedom Programme" and "Own My Life" facilitator. Advocate for DSGBA prevention. She/her 💜