Full Moon in Capricorn, insights into the psyche.

Elisabetta Brancato
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJul 17, 2022
Pike Koch

Contrary to popular supposition about Capricorn being only very down to earth and practical, there is also something magical and mythical about it. Not by chance it is in fact represented by the Sea Goat, a creature half goat and half fish. It posses the elemental qualities of both water and earth.

Earth qualities are practicality, expanded capacity to sense, power of creation and preservation. Water qualities are sensitivity, nurturing, and emotional mergence and expression.

Let’s take a plant, if there’s no enough water in the soil the plant will obviously suffer and probably die. If the water is balanced then we have a soil that can deliver the perfect nourishment to the roots. If the water is slightly too much it creates muddiness and if it is way too much the plant will drown.

Exactly what happened last month when I went on a work trip and I left my plants in the care of a person. She drown an indoor plant, forgot to water another (the rest were ok) and underwatered the garden.

If we are too practical and don’t allow any emotional fluidity, that is we don’t allow our emotions to exist and create space for their healthy expression, we will miss on life and what it means to be human, on a long term we will starve ourselves and eventually die of some disease. Suppressing emotions leads to illness, there is plenty of research on the subject, a very useful read is “When the body says no” by the amazing Dr. Gabor Matè.

Whatever happens in our inner world it is expressed outwardly in various forms in our physical life. My plant carer has indeed diffulcuties to self regulate the liquids in her body and the emotions.

If we work on keeping a balance between our emotional world and practicalities we will be nourished, productive and healthy. If we dwell a little too much on emotions there is a good chance we will experience stagnation and finally when we are unable to offer a healthy container for our emotions, there is an emotional overflow and we suffer from depression and other physical ailments which again, on the long term if left untreated, can lead to death.

All this introduction to contemplate the symbolism of the Sea Goat and the Capricornian archetype. This individual has an enormous capacity to strike a balance between their physical and emotional world which can lead to great success. At the same time if they don’t acknowledge and honour their double nature they can reach success without finding fulfilment or encountering several blockages on the way. They can also get stuck in life, entangled in responsibilities they deeply resent taking.

Believing Capricorns don’t have emotions is a mistake, they feel deeply. What they do with their emotions is another matter. Their watery side frightens them. Psychologically, earth signs stuff down emotions as a defence against emotional chaos. It’s very important to Capricorns to control the perception society has of them. By controlling emotions they ensure to exclude the scary chance of someone else having control over them, which can lead to emotional chaos.

We all need our defences to protect ourselves, but they can become pathological if we overdo them.

This full Moon is shining a light on the Capricornian nature within us. The house where you have Capricorn indicates the area where you apply this energy in your life. If you have points or planets in Capricorn shows how you apply it or perhaps characters in your life who have this energy. In the case of this Moon, if you have anything between 12 and 18 degrees of your horoscope, highlights the particular conversation is having with those points or planets.

I’m particularly interested in the square this full Moon does with Chiron as it could lead to some events or confrontation that give us an opportunity to see if we have rejected the double nature of Capricorn and how such relation, situation or pattern is limiting the expression of more expansive emotions, rather than contracting ones.

Chiron, which tell us of the deepest wound of the soul, is pushing the finger right in the wound of the mythical Sea Goat, to see if there is an exceeding defence system or balance in its duality.

“Do you allow yourself to feel the pain of the wound?” He asks.

Most Capricorns, because of what I explained above, will endure. They will not show their vulnerability.

The invitation of this Moon is to dive in what you feel and explore other options. One could be to say: “NO! I don’t want this.” Saying no is always an option, just in case you thought it wasn’t. We forget about it pretty often and tell us many stories about the impossibility to say no.

She is also doing a sextile to Neptune, which is helping us to dive into the expensive emotions with more ease than we would normally, making the process more organic and encountering less resistance. If we are not used to feel good and expansive because we have a patter of overly defende ourselves, expansion can feel treathening.

The conjunction with Pluto on another hand is helping us, or maybe a better plutonian word is forcing, to feel the emotions that are not so expansive, the shadow aspect of them and give us support to transform them.

After all, to expand we need before to become aware that we are contracted.




Elisabetta Brancato
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I’m a Counseling Astrologer & Tarotist and Emotional & Spiritual Development Coach. I offer readings, coaching, retreats and courses. elisabettabrancato.com