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Git: Brief Introduction

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


General intro to version control!

As a new developer, getting to know git, and using it offers you great superpowers since it aids productivity and collaboration.

“Git is a content management and tracking system developed by Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux. It includes a directory that continuously changes as codes are added throughout application or website development. Git also tracks revisions that are performed on stored data.” Technopedia.

Git is one of the first few things you should and can start learning as a developer. Since it’s very powerful, yet easy to learn and use.

Git offers a means of tracking all changes to your code very precisely. Once your code is made within detection reach (you staged and committed your project), you can use a set of short, easy-to-use commands through the terminal to know different kinds of information about the project.

The closest everyday life example to how git works would be an oversimplification of it. By observing the way an undo and redo button functions. There’s one in most software tools in our everyday life that can take you back or forth across labeled changes.

Using Git means you can work in a non-linear fashion amongst many different collaborators to attempt a contribution or solution to a problem. Using git also means that you can help keep all of these contributions within control for you and conveniently within reach for others. For example, Git provides you with access to the Open Source Code community, which can help you boost your learning momentum as a beginner.

Figure1:Photo by Jonathan Suh on Jonathan Suh.

The way Git is used is either through a CLI (Command Line Interface) Figure1 or, using a GUI (Graphical User Interface Tool) Figure2. Through which you can either type in instructions to perform different operations, or simply use an interactive user interface.

Figure2: Photo from GitHub Desktop.

Git is a great, powerful tool with many applications. You can use it to contribute to others' code, as well as get others to offer the same. You can use it as a greatly organized portfolio of your works, as well as a means of teaching others what you find interesting about development.

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An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Simplifying Computer Science and code to our absolute beginners!!! @SJcodes_