Give Your Online Events New Life with Big Virtual Hugs

Social media lets participants feel like they are there in person


People gathered for an event indoors.
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Attending events has become a mixed bag. Whether held online or offline, each venue presents pros and cons. Participants and those in charge are torn by their desires.

“It depends,” said Megan Powers, a marketing strategist and enthusiastic event goer. “One hundred percent, I want the in-person magic when we see friends. That’s when serendipity brings different people into our lives and we can hug — I miss those — and stuff.

“There is also value in online events,” she said. “I have had experiences and conversations I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

Digital marketing expert Madalyn Sklar is happy to get together with people no matter the circumstances.

“I love attending both online and offline events,” she said. “There is so much value in each. I have a handy guide on live tweeting at events that you might find helpful.”



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