Good Food Treats You to a Happy and Healthy Life

It’s not a matter of too much or too little, but nutritional helpings


Overhead photo of people in a food market.
Photo by Chromatograph on Unsplash

Food isn’t only a matter of too little or too much. Quality is just as important with fats, salt, frying and other factors affecting self-care in nutrition.

Take cooking oil, for example, which Dr. Subhasree Ray tackles in one of her YouTube videos.

“Often we are confused with the nutritional profile of different cooking oils,” she said. “Which one is the best? Is quality the only parameter, or should we look at the quantity, too?”

This is no small matter for Ray who is a doctoral scholar specializing in the Ketogenic Diet. She is also a clinical and public health nutritionist and diabetes educator. Clients in person and online rely on her expertise.

Likewise, Swati Bathwal teaches about diabetes. She is also an author, Fit India ambassador, sports dietitian, nutritionist, Yoga teacher and anthropometrist, which measures the human body.



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