Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

Good News in the Air

An environmental praises series.

Rhonda Krol
3 min readOct 10, 2021


Stories on the environment have slacked off of late as the pandemic shoved its way dirty foot first into our daily lives.

The environment has its own dire news. Why we do not listen to the warnings might be due to our blindness to the radiant good news we forget to notice.

The good news is around us 24/7 if we know where to look. Today starts a little series on what busy planet-dwellers might be missing.


Did you realize that quite often the wind is blowing in two opposite directions just above your head? A gentle little puff of air occasionally at surface level is often hiding something ferocious lurking at a much higher altitude. Sound familiar with the social media and politics of the day?

Anyway. Not only a gale can be there but that wind is often blowing at face-contorting speeds above your house, which would not bear up under it without damage.

The miles of air blanketing us is layered off to accomplish different things, from protecting from the sun’s killer radiation to bringing moisture from seas elsewhere to a needed position over our heads. All that to replenish the earth with rain. The physics of the process is fantastic but not the point here nor explored by a rookie enthusiast like me.

We live a protected, pampered life on this planet. Those whirling, circling ribbons of blowing air currents are also protecting — mixing, warming and moving fresh air in when that old air needs airing. Anyone living a city life knows what I mean by that.

While functioning as it should, that gift in the sky will remain so with abundant rain, cloud to sun ratio sustained to keep the temps where they belong, air quality maintained with the winds, seasons passing right on time. The blimps of storms and natural disasters pass. More than just ‘fortunately.’

Are we living aware? Eco-mindedness is not just activism, it can include a picture of overarching care built into every day. Has an awareness of the most obvious invisible gift reached your mind, let alone your soul? Has the next layer, our thankfulness for that life-giving blanket of air to breathe, found a place in mind and heart?

Invisible is not absent. ‘ Uneventful ‘ reveals no lack of the ongoing miraculous.

My thankfulness as a Christian goes to the Lord of Creation for this finely-tuned planet earth and for His putting in all the protection and wonders of a self-sustaining atmosphere over us.

As that breeze touches your cheek today, those of you who know Him, lift your heads and hearts in praise for the glorious palace of the sky we gaze into from where we dwell.

Those of you who do not relate to a Creator can appreciate once again what our Earth and its sky give us every moment of our lives.

All of us can stand in awe at the perfection not to mention its beauty when viewing the panorama of the clouds journeying above us.

Finally, something we can agree on.

May we long keep this awe shining in our hearts for the sake of our cloudy souls as well as for the enjoyment of God, who fashioned its glory in the layers of the sky we are immersed in.



Rhonda Krol
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Warm, warmer, got it! I love words, even more, the Maker of the meaning behind them.