Harness the Power of Indifference

En route to your goals

Stuart Grant
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readMar 1, 2021


crowded sidewalk
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

In one of my first efforts at busting out of an occupational rut, I was a sales rep for a firm where I had to develop my own leads. Our initial step in getting company sanction to go out in the field unaccompanied was to complete the required number of trainee sales with a sales manager.

I had a good list of prospects and plenty of energy and chutzpah to go out and complete these transactions. My people and telephone skills are strong and was certain I would breeze through my trainee sales in short order on my way to becoming a star representative. But after going through all my warm prospects, I only completed one sale. From the rest I got no referrals.

I was really unhappy at my day job and had worked hard to get out and hustle on evenings and weekends to make what I hoped would be a major life and career change. My sales manager mumbled a few platitudes but I could tell he had all but written me off. I was crushed.

I really had set my hopes on this opportunity and it looked like it was slipping away. I have since learned to apply what I lay out below as a strategy for managing emotions in the face of our own hopes.



Stuart Grant
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

disparate parts coalescing toward a greater meaning in the pursuit of a fully realized life