Healing is an illusion

A new approach to psychological wounding

Elisabetta Brancato
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readMar 11, 2022


The more I study and evolve on my journey the less I resonate with the terminology “healing” and “wound”.

It implies that something is damaged and needs fixing. I haven’t been comfortable with it for quite a while, it nags me every time I use the words. Obvious sign of misalignment from my integrity.

Healing is a paradigm that fitted perfectly the Piscean era we are just coming out from. Pisces, the archetypal Healer. What happens though when this archetype is repressed or disowned and not acknowledged within? It becomes expressed as the Martyr. We only need to look at the story of Jesus of Nazareth, world politics and events and the standard religious models (doesn’t matter which one, patriarchal religions all thrive on guilt and sacrifice) of the past 2500 years to see how the distorted Martyr archetype has manifested out of collective unconscious into physciality.

Until now therefore we haven’t been evolutionary ready to interpret psychological wounds differently or to have a better word for.

I would like to propose a new more actual approach. Having studied in depth the amazing work on psychological wounds of Lise Bourbeau, Steven Kessler, Freud, Jung and Liz Greene (which I recommend everyone to explore, had it been taught at school we would be at a much better evolutionary place as a collective) together with my own personal and client experience I understood that

wounds are not an effect of something external that caused the wounding, they are the symptom.

We’ll see together of what. Everything in our society (religions, government, medias etc) has become a self sufficient machine that constantly feed us how wounded we are, how everything threatens to hurt us and how much fixing we need.

And so the wound feeds on itself, festering and never healing. Thus...

Does healing really exist?

Are our soul and mind really wounded, or is it just something we have made to believe, or better…we convinced ourselves to be?

Had society propaganda fed us instead that we are already whole, that there’s no psychological wound to fix, the word “healing” would make no sense whatsoever.

It’s important to understand that here’s no judgment on this, we are talking of stages of evolution of the human psyche and its effect on matter. We are at a pivotal moment where we have the opportunity to build a new society that no longer thrives by feeding on wounds but by nurturing wholeness. An utopia almost impossible to envision looking at the current state of the world, but nevertheless a dream that can be waved into existence.

Perhaps not everybody has had yet an experience of Divine Union (also because of being stuck in the old martyr paradigm) but even only believing in science, quantum physics has repeatedly proven the interconnectedness of all Creation.

Wounds are a symptom of a disconnection from the intrinsic wholeness of our being.

If we then substitute phraseology “I need healing” would become: “I need to reconnect to my Self”. Self as for the aspect of ourselves that is already whole. Whereas “my wound of abandonment” would then become “I’m experiencing symptoms of Self-abandonment”. Which contains in itself the solution as well, rather than the co-dependent seeking external fixing we have all engaged with so far.

From this we also understand that “I received a healing” is not possible… and I leave this for another time.



Elisabetta Brancato
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I’m a Counseling Astrologer & Tarotist and Emotional & Spiritual Development Coach. I offer readings, coaching, retreats and courses. elisabettabrancato.com