Hope-The Energy That Steers Forward.

Benjamin Sam
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readAug 1, 2021

Hope is the potion that drives everyone to move forward in their life. Life is meant to have struggles & sufferings, but hope is the key to unlock the door to happiness. So how to live a life filled with hope is a question for everyone. Following are some pinpoints that can help us to live a life with content.

In society that has you counting money, calories, pounds, and steps. Be a rebel and count your blessings instead~~Lisa Heckam

Count your blessings: Always be grateful for what we have in this life. Focus on the blessings that God has given in our life. Always believe there is time for everything in this world, so at the right time, the universe will make it happen for us. when we shift our focus towards our blessings, we will discover that we were already living in a happy world. Try to find happiness in everything that we are doing. Eventually, it will help us to live a life filled with happiness. Stop comparing our life with others, everyone is different in this world. Everyone is paddling their yacht to reach the offshore. So focus on yourself & it will help us to reach the shore at the right time.

Kindness: Be Kindful to others. Yes, that is the greatest thing we can do for others. In this busy world, everyone is deeply focused on their life & didn’t have a moment to listen to others. Help someone and be a light in their darkness. So that, eventually they can also spread that light with someone. Encourage others & make them believe that they can also make a difference in this world. This world needs beautiful souls that encourage each other. This world is for everyone, not for some special kind. So be kind to others & be a reason for the happiness in some others life.

Conformity is doing what everybody else is doing, regardless of what is right.

Mortality is doing what is right regardless of what everybody else is doing.

Conformity means following blindly on what everyone is doing. If you found that you are also on the same path just take a break & look up. Then figure out what we actually want with our lfe. There are a lot of beautiful things in this world, that are yet to be discovered. To see those things, we have to first break the matrix & follow the rabbit hole. There are lot of things in this world that is hidden to the normal eyes, to see those things we have to open our eyes first.

Be awake in this World of mind controlled sheep~~Unknown

Awake — Being awake in this world is the beautiful thing a person can achieve in this life. Everyone has to find a way to unlock their true potentials. Life is very simple if you know how to live a life with purpose. Awakening collectively includes all the things that have been said above. If we are awakened we stop focusing on the worthless things in the world, we will start to love others,& will always try to find joy. The key to happiness is always hidden within us. But to find it we have to look deeply inwards. Liberation from all worthless things is the crucial step, that helps a person to live to the fullest. Everyone will then discover their life journey & eventually, will find a way to achieve it.

Hakuna Matata

This world existed before we came & it will be hereafter we gone. So in this short span of life, be grateful for what we have & be kindful to others. Always remember there are far better things yet to come into our life. So be prepare & take the first step. May the universe help you to draw closer to all your dreams
It’s a wonderful world outside, we have to change our perspective to appreciate all these things. May the universe shows you which path you need to take to live a life filled with purpose.

