How being into UX design makes me a better person.

Tanya Narang
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readSep 24, 2020

UX Design is one of the much-needed professions these days. Most of the designers are into it either from their wish or their interest, but it was not the case with me. I accidentally get into this profession and for the very first it was really difficult for me to understand whether I want to do it for my whole life or not, but now I feel that it’s my calling. It is my Ikigai and this is what I meant to be.

So, here are a few improvements which I get after being into this profession.

1. Understanding Design = Understanding life

There is no doubt that design and life are very similar. Design is just equal to understanding life. You learn from others' mistakes as well as achievements. You get new problems and you solve them and then you get new problems. Previous experiences help you in solving new problems. Like new generations come new design ideas. That’s how you get the experience of learning life and design.

2. I developed a sense of little detail.

Things that I often ignore earlier, now I cannot. I have gained an eye for seeing smaller details in terms of design that now even it’s in my environment things go wrong, I immediately catch the attention to it.

3. The way I see the world has been changed.

Before being a designer, I might miss little details in the nature around me, but after being a designer, I question every single thing and tries to find its answer in nature. Like symmetry in the human body, alignment, spacing, and balance in nature which makes me see the world with a new perspective.

4. I am more organized now

I have learned it from a design that everything is an art all around and to excel in any field you need to organize your work, your environment, and your tasks.

5. I have developed empathy towards everyone.

Yous must have heard that empathy is the biggest skill of a designer and that’s what makes you more human also. This is so true that without empathy you are not a good designer but this is also true it helps you learn from other’s experiences and gives wisdom which I am getting after being into the design.

6. My listening skill is improved a lot.

A designer’s first capability is research to find a problem. Research really requires listening to the user and put away your own bias for understanding their pain points. This practice helped me to build my listening power and created a habit of understanding the other person’s point of view.

7. I become more logical with handling problems.

Ever since being a designer, I take every problem to practice my problem-solving skills. So, smaller problems like why am I not able to focus on my work and how can I be more productive, I solve them writing down the reasons of them and then trying solving them with a perfect solution.

8. I now research before I reach to any conclusion.

Being a human being its natural for us to get biased towards a particular thought and take conclusions based on it. But being into design helped me to understand others more and before coming to any conclusion I always try to listen to every aspect and possibilities of the problem.

9. I am able to build long time habits.

We, as a designer, always need to make sure that we make products that build a habit for users. We as human beings are unaware of the psychology of building habits. But being into design helped me to build habits for myself and my users because now I understand the psychology of building habits.

10. I am more enthusiastic to try and learn new things.

After being into the design, I am so curious to know about different backgrounds, different platforms, and different subjects. Earlier it was always a struggle to learn a new thing whereas now I am always up to learn new things.

11. My decision making has improved a lot.

We always encounter situations in life where we need to make a decision. Tough decisions where we always need to decide. I was not inherited with good decision-making skills in childhood. Most of the time I go to my friends or colleagues to understand what to do. But after being into the design, I am perfectly able to make decisions and start working on it.

12. I became confident about my individuality and personality.

Since my childhood, I was conscious about my clothes, my looks, how I am being conveyed in front of people, and most of the time I struggle not to act weird. But now after being into the design, I started reading human behavior and personalities and understood how I am not weird, instead I am different. That’s the confidence I get being a designer.

13. I find the value of balancing both hard work and smart work.

To learn a new skill hard work is really required. You constantly improve your working hard and achieve skills. But with balancing hard work with smart work I have learnt how to speed your work and learning with less effort and how you can be more and more skills with efficient techniques. So, in short, it is really necessary to understand when to work hard and when to act smart.

Thanks for your reading folks. Hope this makes you understand your own improvements also. I would like to know yours in the comment section. :)🌻

