How Do You Improve Your Financial Situation?

8 Tips to Make Tangible Financial Progress in Your Life.

Jones Elbouga
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readAug 3, 2021


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Everyone seeks to improve their financial situation for the better. However, a very small percentage — perhaps not more than 10% — of the people develop a plan that guarantees them to improve their financial situation, get rid of the chaos they live in, and reach stability and financial freedom. What is the reason behind our failure to adhere to the plans and continue in the same current approach?

Psychologists say: “Man, by nature, tends to take care of his present self and give it preference over the future self.” In the sense that he looks with interest to the satisfaction of his immediate needs and desires at the expense of his future needs and desires. Naturally, this leads to a chaotic and random consumption pattern that makes it difficult to save part of the income for investment or for future needs.

Someone may say: I want very much to improve the financial situation in which I live, but I do not know how to start and how to proceed and in what direction to achieve this goal on the ground. We tell you not to worry; you are not the only one, and we will help you lay out your plan to reach your goal through this article.

8 tips to improve your financial situation:

1. Reorder your priorities in life:

Time is more precious than gold; we can buy gold, but we cannot buy time. So; you must rearrange your priorities in life based on your goals and objectives, and not allow events to overwhelm you and control you and your time.

Everyone who lives his life by chance exposes himself to problems and takes little from life.

Stephen Covey says in his famous book “The Seven Habits of Effective People”: “I have not found that the common denominator among the most successful people is hard work, good luck, or human relations, although these are to a great degree importance, but the common denominator I found outweighs all of these factors; It’s the habit of prioritizing.”

2. Be Rational Using Your Free Time:

Your time may be full of concerns and duties, and this is the case for all of us in this accelerated age, which is teeming with modernity and technological development, and in which social media dominates the trends of people in general. Despite that, if you look closely and prepare your accounts, you will be surprised that you waste a lot of time on useless things; Like watching series, movies and browsing social networks.

You would be shocked if I told you that this wasted time is enough to read 200 books in one year! Therefore, you should stop repeating the phrase “My time is short”; It is a repugnant and dangerous phrase, and it may be one of the reasons for the failure of the human being of this age. And you probably won’t believe that both Bill Gates and Warren Buffett — two of the world’s richest people — find time to read and learn.

You have to fill your spare time with what benefits you and develops your abilities, and motivate yourself to do new and beneficial habits for your future.

3. Develop your financial habits:

Too many bad financial habits can get us in trouble and create unnecessary problems. And it’s not just about spending money on expensive things; Rather, it is true even in the case of sums that we view as small sums, forgetting that their leakage may lead us to drowning.

We may agree with you that breaking bad financial habits is difficult; especially those habits related to spending money extravagantly and without an account.
Even more difficult is replacing them with sound financial habits that lead to saving and investment. Perhaps the secret of this difficulty lies in the behavioral habits that we have acquired from the environment in which we live; We were brought up on it, and it was deposited inside us and shaped our financial personalities from a young age, whether it came from family, friends or the surrounding environment.

It is true that developing and changing our financial habits is difficult and does not happen with just a click of a button, and it will not come overnight, but it is possible; If there is clear vision and determination that generates a firm desire for change, and then firm decision, plan, discipline and commitment, then you will come close to your goal of achieving financial success.

4. Know the power of saving and stick with it.

We all believe in the power and importance of saving, but the vast majority fail to make it a reality. You should know that if your savings balance is zero, you are not safe but in real danger, and your financial situation is unstable.

Your concept of saving may be just hoarding money, but we regret to tell you that this is a misconception; Saving is a conscious and programmed behavior, and its long-term goal is to achieve financial prosperity and improve the quality of your life and the life of your dependents, provided that you search for a suitable field to invest your savings in a way that benefits you and brings you additional income.

5. Do not wish, but set goals for yourself:

Many people do not have realistic financial goals, and they also lack a clear vision of their financial future; Therefore, they do not get more than what life gives them spontaneously.

Do not wish and say: “I wish to be such-and-such”, but say: “I want to be such-and-such”. It is good to have financial ambitions, but the most important thing is to have precise and clearly defined goals.

We recommend that you write your goals on a piece of paper and put them in a prominent place; to see it constantly and program your mind to it and become a part of your daily life. After your goals are clear, draw up your plan and start working hard on it until you reach your goal, and don’t let anything stop you.

6. Don’t Procrastinate, Start Now

Procrastination is one of the biggest enemies of success. The earlier you start, the greater your chances of achieving success and financial stability.

Don’t wait for the right moment, create it; an opportunity does not knock on your door more than once.

You might say to yourself, “The amount I have is small, and I have to wait for it to get bigger.” But we tell you: start immediately, even with a small amount; the young one must grow up, and if you start now, you will achieve what you want from the financial return in the near future.

Read also: 4 Simple Steps to Overcome Procrastination

7. Ask for help from others:

Some may think that asking others for help is embarrassing, so we see them refrain from it and start working according to their personal diligence, which may be wrong. Therefore, you should resort — sometimes — to seeking help from those around you who have experience and knowledge in your field of work; you benefit from their experience and expertise in order to avoid making some mistakes and save yourself the time needed to achieve your goals and aspirations. And make sure that many people are willing to help you, as this will make them feel their success and accomplishments.

8. Be thankful and grateful to God and to people:

When you begin to reap the fruits of success, first thank God; Without his grace and guidance, you would not have been able to reach what you have reached. Then you must not forget to thank everyone who stood by you; your husband or wife, your sons and daughters, your friends and acquaintances, and people who did not spare their advice and guidance during your journey on the path to financial success. And do not forget to be grateful to yourself, thanking her for what she has accomplished, and giving her more incentives to continue your success.


In the end, we say that we all know the importance of doing a lot of things right, but just knowing something is not enough to achieve success in our lives. Rather, what is important is what we do that turns ideas into tangible financial results. They make the difference and turn our dreams into reality.

Dear reader, we have provided you with 8 tips that will enable you to make tangible financial progress in your life and improve your financial situation, so do not forget to share and publish it with others so that everyone benefits.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it useful.



Jones Elbouga
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Write about: Personal Development, Self, Health, and Books Review.