How I’m Building a (6-figure?) Sales Organisation From Scratch

Applying the model that’s worked for me multiple times.

Deepak Shukla
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash

Over the past several years, I’ve built four service businesses from scratch into companies that have produced $1.6 million in revenue. I’ve done this by applying a consistent model / process:

  • Identify a niche I enjoy
  • Build a website around that niche
  • Rank the website on Google
  • Wait for it to start generating leads.

The process has proven successful for me, and I’m applying it to my latest venture — building a profitable sales organisation from scratch.

Here’s our 3-month on 3-month rankings:

This is going slower than I would like but gives you some sense of what the plan is.

(In fact I’ve just pinged one of my team to see if we can speed up the link building process — ha. You don’t know if you don’t ask.)

On another buying keyword we are doing ok (we rank #1 organically):



Deepak Shukla
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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