How Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is transforming the Finance and Banking Sector

Milan Panchasara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readJul 15, 2022
Photo by: Milan Source: Shutterstock

RPA has become a vital part of the banking and financial services industry in the past few years. The use of RPA technology has revolutionized the banking industry. Today, RPA is used by financial institutions to automate routine tasks, respond quickly to changing business conditions, and reduce the need for manual intervention. This has profoundly impacted the banking industry, and it is only becoming more prevalent.

Robotic Process Automation has the potential to help financial institutions improve customer service, reduce fraud and error, and increase efficiency. Some of the current situations in the bank and financial institutions that RPA can help solve include: managing customer relationships and complaints, processing checks, and providing loan underwriting advice.

To understand it in a more simplistic manner, here I have curated areas where financial institutions and banks have already employed or are planning to use Robotic Process Automation.

What is the need for Robotic Process Automation in the Finance sector?

Well, RPA is already being used in a variety of roles in banks and financial institutions, and the applications for this technology are only growing. Future uses of RPA will likely include performing complex analytical tasks, such as evaluating a business’s financial stability and making difficult decisions, such as approving a business’s loan application. You can also use RPA in your institutions to automate;

  • Report generating

A bank or financial institute is required to generate various compliance reports in the form of suspicious activity reports, which the compliance officers have to read and fill in manually.

However, by implementing RPA with natural language generation capability, we can automate this process of filling out SARs. As a result, firms can reduce operational costs and save time.

  • Customer onboarding

A lot of documents need to be verified by hand, which makes customer onboarding such a long and tedious process. But, the whole process of extracting data from KYC documents and matching it with customer data can be easily automated using RPA tools.

Integration of RPA in customer onboarding can save a lot of time and effort and make the process more efficient. Moreover, automated data entry into the customer management portal can save time and effort, as well as reduce the chances of human error.

  • KYC and AML compliance

KYC and Anti-money Laundering processes are both very data-intensive, making them perfect candidates for RPA. RPA can automate many of the manual processes involved in these activities, such as catching suspicious banking transactions or verifying customer identity documents. By implementing RPA, we can save time and money while still getting the same, or even better, results than traditional solutions.

  • Loan processing

Though banks have automated loan processing to some degree, it is still seen as a very tedious process. However, if the process were to be automated further with RPA, it would only take 10–15 minutes. This would lead to happier customers and employees with lighter workloads. This would also lead to lower costs and increased efficiency.

  • Customer service

It’s tough for the staff to keep up with the high volume of common customer queries while also maintaining a low turnaround time. RPA tools, for example, smart chatbots, can automate tasks like customer service in order to respond to questions immediately, which reduces how long it takes to finish the task.

Here are the benefits you can reap by applying RPA in the bank and finance sector

  • Accelerates customer onboarding and Reduces operational costs
  • Automate the manual processes and boost revenue and cash flow
  • Enhances data quality and stabilizes the business’s best practices
  • Reduces human interventions, enhancing process efficiency
  • Decreases customer loss and Reduces churn
  • Provides seamless customer experience and Improves customer satisfaction
  • Foster customer loyalty and trust

RPA is attractive to businesses because it can automate tasks that human employees would traditionally do. This can free up time for employees to focus on more complex tasks and can reduce the overall cost of a business.

RPA is a technology that can help finance and accounting businesses by automating processes. It offers the potential to improve their services by making them more efficient.

So, are you ready for the finance industry streamlined by RPA?



Milan Panchasara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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