How to Be a Resource on Climate for Your Teens
Tips for Supporting Youth Engagement in Climate Action
Do you have teenagers in your life? If so, my guess is they feel as concerned as you are, if not more so, about the impact of the changing climate on the planet.
They should worry. They are the generation who have never known a world without the impending and growing threat of climate catastrophe. They can see what lies ahead for them and are raising their voices to demand that those in power take action now.
While they are taking leadership and have moral clarity on the state of the world, it’s a heavy burden for them to carry. Like the adults in their lives, they probably feel overwhelmed by climate news on social media. They are also weary of pushing against the tide of inadequate action by leaders in the world. Addressing the climate crisis should not rest on their shoulders. They should be able to enjoy their youthful years.
Alas, being carefree about the world is not in the cards for them. Given their current reality, how do we, as parents, grandparents, teachers, and community leaders, support them?
Mary DeMocker, author of the Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution, says that parents have a challenging role to play as the young activists in their lives join the…