How to Build A Successful Healthcare App: In-Depth Guide for Founders

Milan Panchasara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readJun 23, 2022
Photo by: Milan Source: Self Create

Today in every organization sector, we see the current digital wave.

It’s hard to find an industry that isn’t going with the flow. The benefits of developing healthcare applications to give patients more effective services have been recognized by many hospitals and medical organizations.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, the use of healthcare applications has skyrocketed. Healthcare applications produce close to USD 280 billion in revenue globally, and according to Yahoo figures, this amount is predicted to reach USD $500 billion in 2025.

This increase in revenue provides new opportunities for you to branch out into healthcare. So let’s examine the process of developing a healthcare app.

Why a Healthcare App?

Both patients and healthcare workers have significantly benefited from healthcare applications. By connecting doctors with people who require assistance, these applications reduce the workload for healthcare professionals. They also enable medical providers to receive a digital description of their patient’s symptoms in addition to learning about them. Healthcare applications make possible better and quicker diagnoses, enhancing general patient care.

You can see the statistics of the number of Healthcare mobile app development due to its rising demand:

  • 45,478 healthcare apps on the App Store of Apple.
  • Around 43,285 applications on the Play Store.
  • In 2019, the mHealth domain received $13.7 Billion across the globe.
  • The telemedicine application market will reach $17.14 billion by 2026.

Types of Healthcare Applications

There are a lot of healthcare applications on the market, and more are being developed and launched daily.

Let’s quickly review the three subcategories of mobile healthcare applications that are most frequently used:

Medication Apps for Patients:

  • Fitness and wellness applications
  • Self-diagnosis solutions
  • Diet tracking applications
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Mental health apps
  • Women health tracking apps

Apps for healthcare professionals:

  • Remote monitoring
  • Telemedicine
  • Appointment management applications

For Medical Institutions:

  • Scheduling an appointment
  • Billing
  • Inventory management
  • Clinical assistance app with EHR and EMR access

Now that we’ve looked at the types of healthcare applications let’s move on to the critical use cases for healthcare apps.

Major Use Cases for Healthcare Apps

You must follow current trends to develop the most effective healthcare application.

Below are a few trending healthcare app use cases to boost your business functionality and improve overall patient care.

Electronic Health Record (EHR)

EHR integration enables healthcare apps to track, store quickly, and gather patient-related data on a single platform. This permits the sharing of patient data across various healthcare organizations while saving time and removing inaccuracies.

Telehealth and Telemedicine

Telehealth and telemedicine software solutions are often used between a patient and a doctor. Medical professionals may now connect online, provide top-notch treatment more quickly, and conduct distant healthcare services thanks to these technologies.

Built-in diagnostic systems

These systems enable the collection and processing of the data through which doctors can quickly analyze and diagnose the condition of remote patients, track progress, and determine treatment.


E-prescribing apps allow doctors to prescribe the right medicines for patients and set dosages to avoid side effects or cancel prescriptions at any time. These systems help minimize errors during check-out and the time a doctor and a patient can save.

Successful Healthcare Apps Example

Exploring the applications on the mobile healthcare application platform is always a good idea. This helps you develop the app in an innovative way that allows you to stand unique from the competition and is sure to be successful.

  • WebMD
  • Medisafe Pill Minder
  • Apple Health
  • Headspace
  • Generis

The Process of Developing a Healthcare App

Before you develop a mobile healthcare app without a clear understanding, you will get yourself in trouble. So firstly, learn the process of developing a mobile healthcare app.

  • Target real health problems
  • Know your audience
  • Create an MVP
  • Hire an App Development Company
  • Cost Estimation
  • App Testing
  • Launch and Track Performance

Cost for Healthcare App Development

The typical price for developing a healthcare app can range from $45,000 to $80,000. It can cost between $100,000 and $150,000 to implement Modern Healthcare Technology like Machine Learning, Blockchain, or AI. This is only a rough approximation, though. The ultimate cost of developing a healthcare application depends on several variables, including the app’s features and functions, your chosen platform, and more.

Here is a breakdown of healthcare app development costs on complexity and geographic location:

Country:- USA

Avg Hourly rate:- $80

Simple Functionality:- $64,000

Advanced Functionality:- $160,000

Country:- UK

Avg Hourly rate:- $55

Simple Functionality:- $44,000

Advanced Functionality:- $110,000

Country:- Germany

Avg Hourly rate:- $60

Simple Functionality:- $48,000

Advanced Functionality:- $120,000


Healthcare application development may not be suitable for every developer.

Create a team of professionals that have expertise in developing Healthcare Mobile Applications. Develop healthcare applications by using the top technological developments. Cause Healthcare applications are a captivating strategy for enhancing people’s quality of life and health. By developing one, you can help many individuals better manage their chronic ailments, embrace a healthier lifestyle, or empower themselves to make healthier decisions. You may also develop an app for hospitals to handle appointments or offer services for virtual visits.

When creating the healthcare app, keep in mind that the right team and technology are essential since, in the end, you will need to utilize them to address actual issues.



Milan Panchasara
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Tech Writer & Sr. Marketing Consultant | 6 Years of Exp. | Write on Popular Technology & Different Industries. | LinkedIn: