Top Advanced Features to Add in Nutrition & Diet App Development

Gautam Raturi
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readMay 14, 2021

Living a healthy lifestyle has become super trendy in recent years. Being healthy nowadays entails being beautiful, successful, and fit. Obesity and sedentary office work are causing an increase in awareness of diseases.

These and other health-related issues motivate millions of people around the world to eat a healthy diet. That is why the Diet and Nutrition Mobile App has become so popular in recent years.

Another modern trend is the use of mobile apps — there are thousands of them for any facet of life you can think of. So many things are made better and more accessible by technology.

Why Diet And Nutrition Mobile App?

The human effort continues to decrease as technology advances. Because technology gradually entered most areas of business, many people now lead sedentary lives.

A life like this leads to a slew of health and psychological issues, the most serious of which is depression and obesity. According to Statista, 17% and 12% of millennials suffer from depression and overweight.

Diet and nutrition mobile apps help people live a healthier lifestyle. Fitness app developers can meet this demand by developing a feature-packed diet and nutrition mobile app. This comprehensive guide will discuss industry insights, features, development strategy of diet and nutrition app development.

How to develop a diet and nutrition app: Stages of mobile app development at Quytech

All iOS and Android apps go through four major development stages:

  • Discovery stage: It implies a preliminary introduction to the concept and a search for potential ways to implement it.
  • Validation stage: We estimate whether the idea is viable by analyzing the market, competitors, and feedback from the target audience.
  • Strategy stage: At this point, we develop an entity-relationship diagram and an application prototype.
  • Design and development stage: This is the stage at which the software product is developed.

Here is a breakdown of four app types from which you can draw inspiration before developing a diet and nutrition app.

  • Meal Planning App

In a busy life, making meal plans is a difficult task. That is why people require a meal planning app that allows them to customize their meals based on their diet type.

  • Diabetes Nutrition Guide App

Diabetes apps include various features such as food tracking, medication or glucose data tracking, live chat between patients and health professionals, and much more.

  • Calorie Counter App

Calorie counter apps are a great way to keep track of how many calories you consume daily. Calorie counter apps analyze user data and then send personalized dietary advice.

  • Vegan Nutrition Guide App

More than ever before, the term “vegan” can be found on the internet. A vegan app provides all of the necessary information while you’re on the go. It offers plant-based recipes, assists in finding vegan food in town tracks nutrition, and much more.

Some Of The Key Features of Diet And Nutrition Mobile App

  • Registration — Email-based verification may be used as the primary registration feature, while a one-time password may be used as an advanced verification method (OTP). The business owner can choose the most appropriate option based on his or her budget.
  • Dashboard — A dashboard provides an overview of key performance indicators (KPIs), goals, and other information. Because dashboards are frequently customized to meet specific needs, the KPIs and information presented may differ.
  • Calendar — A calendar provides various options that can assist the user in monitoring the diet plan and receiving timely reminders to change the meal plan, prepare for a sporting event, and more.
  • Diet Plan — It may take weeks, if not months, for a user to figure out which diet works best for him. To begin, the app could include a feature that lists popular diet plans for the user to browse, select, and follow.
  • Meal Data — The meal data feature can track nutrient intakes such as carbs, protein, and fat adhering to a specific diet daily.
  • Calorie Counter — This feature is essential for anyone trying to lose weight. Besides that, this feature can be combined with the recommended calorie calculator.
  • Bar-code Scanner — Manually entering nutritional information every time a user consumes something may not be a pleasant experience. The inclusion of a bar-code scanner within the diet and nutrition app improves user convenience.
  • Goals — The goals feature in a diet and nutrition app allows the user to set a goal and then to track progress once the goal has been finalized. It enables the user to experience micro-achievements while remaining positive.
  • Ratings And Reviews — After following a specific diet and observing the results, a user can leave a review as well as a rating. This allows other users to read the reviews and learn more about other people’s real-life experiences.
  • Social Sharing — The social sharing feature helps spread the word. Such features can be added to various sections of the diet and nutrition app.
  • Recipe Database — The business owner can add this capability by integrating an external database from a third-party service provider, allowing the end-user to access thousands of recipes instantly.
  • Search — The user can use this feature to start a search that may include several recipes. The user can also use filters to narrow down the search results to find the most relevant results.
  • Blog And Push Notification — Blog and push notification are two distinct features; they can serve the same purpose in a diet and nutrition app — sharing essential tips. This is an important feature to have if you want to keep end-users engaged after installing it.
  • Help & Frequently Asked Questions — There may be times when a user cannot complete a specific task in the diet and nutrition app on his or her own. In this case, the help section can provide information to help users. In addition, the frequently asked questions (FAQs) are an objective representation of common queries shared by users in the past, and they add value by allowing the user to make informed decisions.

Over To You

The truth is that the stay-at-home situation is here to stay. You can’t have an attitude like, “I’ll resume when things get back to normal.” So you have two choices: adapt or watch your fitness business die.

Hopefully, these tips for developing a nutrition guide app will enable you to continue with your business and generate a significant amount of revenue. However, if you believe you will be unable to cope on your own, contact our healthcare app development services.



Gautam Raturi
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Technical Content Writer at Quytech | Mobile App Development| AI/ML | AR/VR | Blockchain | Gaming | Passionate for Writing about Advance & Latest Technology